Do your students complain that they are too tired or sleep-deprived? Especially now when the final exams are fast approaching, both teachers and students are juggling too many things. I can hear your deep sigh!
Deepak Chopra said:
"Health is not just the absence of a disease. It's an inner joyfulness that should be ours all the time;a state of positive well-being."
So today I've got for you
5 ways to boost your students' well-being.
#1 Take notice
Create a GRATITUDE Journal for each student. At the end of the day/week ask the students to write 5 things they are grateful for.
#2 Connect
Ask your students to prepare a questionnaire in order to find out what their classmates enjoy doing and makes them happy. Then based on the results, schedule appropriate HAPPY activities in your timetable.
#3 Give
Perform Acts of Random Kindness
For example, make HAPPY bookmarks with your students and then leave them in random books at the school library.
# 4 Be active
Spend as much time as possible outdoors. Take every opportunity to have the classes in the open air.
# 5 Keep learning
Run a HAPPINESS reading club. Read an uplifting book with/to your students and then set a discussion or initiate a creative project around it.
If you want to make positive changes in your lifestyle, you could try these tips yourself. They do work!
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Have a beautiful weekend,
Marusya Price